Network Whitepapers

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A simplified application acceleration architecture
By F5 Networks | 12/11/2014

This whitepaper gives an overview of networks and applications, describes basic principles of web application optimization, and then examines the benefits and drawbacks of various acceleration techniques to ultimately improve web application performance. •Most organisations want to improve web application performance for their users, but they can’t always justify the cost of implementing acceleration techniques •A simplified web application acceleration solution that lowers the operational and commercial barriers and improves user experience is idea •F5 offers a simple, low-risk, and low-cost acceleration solution that can significantly improve the end-user experience

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Award-winning unified information security from Clearswift.
By Clearswift Asia Pacific | 28/11/2011

Fully integrated web and email gateway security solution, providing - protection from inbound threats, policy based encryption, and data loss prevention.

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Bandwidth Bandits
By Symantec | 20/10/2011

Internet bandwidth is a finite and expensive resource; protect it from spammers, criminals, hackers, timewasters and employee misuse. Your company’s internet link is precious. Not only is it expensive and limited but it is a vital business tool. Yet our analysis shows that companies can lose around a quarter of their internet bandwidth to employee web misuse, streaming media and spam. Imagine if you had to give up a quarter of your office space for non-work activities; it’s inconceivable. But when it comes to internet bandwidth, most companies don’t even know about the loss, let alone take steps to prevent it.

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Bandwidth Bandits
By Symantec | 15/3/2013

Imagine if you gave up a quarter of your office space for non-work activities; it’s inconceivable. But when it comes to internet bandwidth, most companies loose the same proportion to employee web misuse, streaming media and spam. As a company’s internet is both costly and limited, click here to find out how best reduce bandwidth loss.

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Best Practices for Implementing 2048-bit SSL
By Citrix Systems Asia Pacific | 13/1/2012

Secure sockets layer (SSL) technology continues to be essential to the growth of the web. With unabated increases in e-commerce traffic along with transmission of personal information, SSL is no longer just a nice to have for capability; it is an absolute necessity. Read how the requirement to protect information is further heightened by the universal availability of easy-to-use hacking tools and how to resolve these issues. Click to download!

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Best Practices for Migrating SharePoint to the Cloud
By Quest Software | 20/10/2011

This white paper outlines best practice for migrating on-premises SharePoint environments to a new cloud-based deployment. Learn the limitations of an out-of-the-box migration as well as what to look for in a third-party tool, and the importance of information governance, security, and migration methodologies.

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Blurring boundaries: The disappearing gap between work and home life
By Clearswift Asia Pacific | 28/11/2011

Call it multi-tasking, life-splicing or bleisure but increasingly, fuelled by advances in technology, employees are blurring the boundaries between home and work. ‘Generation Standby’ employees, never truly ‘switched off’ and always ready to be called upon, are now enjoying, and expecting, greater levels of flexibility and mobility than ever before. Read on.

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Book 1 - The Executive’s Guide to Assuring Compliance
By NetIQ | 11/8/2011

In today’s integrated, regulated, litigated environment, it is necessary to provide assurance to customers, business partners, regulators, and sometimes even the courts that you have done your due diligence in securing your IT infrastructure. New and updated United States laws are increasingly making corporate management responsible for ensuring compliance, as companies face substantial fines and penalties for not doing so. Existing and emerging global security and privacy laws and regulations make keeping up with multinational compliance requirements imperative.

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Book 2 - The Executive Guide to Securing Assets
By NetIQ | 11/8/2011

Keeping your information technology (IT) systems and information secure in the face of constant changes in hardware, software, threats, and regulations can seem like an impossible task. You must constantly monitor and evaluate asset security controls effectiveness in addition to monitoring regulatory and contractual security requirement compliance. To be effective, you must implement IT controls in context with your entire organization assets.

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Book 3 - The Executive’s Guide to Managing Risks
By NetIQ | 11/8/2011

Every organisation has a mission. Most, if not all, organizations use information technology (IT) to process their information in support of their missions and reaching their business goals. Managing risks associated with the information and supporting technologies is a critical factor in successful organizational mission realisation.

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