National Broadband Network (NBN) - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Aurora Energy seeking fibre optic contractors

    Tasmania-based Aurora Energy is looking for contractors to join a panel to help roll out fibre optic network extensions as the state leads the way in the construction of the National Broadband Network.

  • Obama telecommunications advisor keen on NBN detail

    The Obama administration's interest in the National Broadband Network ([[xref:|NBN|Computerworld :: NBN]]) continues, with the US president's key telecommunications advisor meeting an Australian analyst earlier this month to discuss the $43 billion plan.

  • Calls emerge for not-for-profit community telco

    A not-for-profit organisation that provides computers and broadband Internet to Melbourne’s public housing residents has called for affordable National Broadband Network (NBN) access.

  • NBN: Underground vs overhead cable debate rolls on

    As the National Broadband Network (NBN) construction chugs along in Tasmania, debate on the mainland continues as to whether laying the fibre optic cables underground is more advantageous than putting them in existing overhead infrastructure.

  • Polly Talk: Conroy vs Minchin

    Communications minister Senator Stephen Conroy and shadow communications minister Nick Minchin recently squared off at the CommsDay summit in Melbourne on the Telstra separation and the NBN. As usual the politicians had sharply varying views and squawked load and long. Here are the key, cracker-sized squawks from each minister on the issues.

  • NBN Tasmania picks Corning Cable Systems for rollout

    The company in charge of rolling out the National Broadband Network (NBN) in Tasmania has announced Corning Cable Systems Pty Ltd will provide fibre optic cable for the construction of the infrastructure project.

  • The NBN – Flying blind?

    The Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia, Scott Ludlam has questioned whether the Federal Government’s $43 billion National Broadband Network (NBN) plan is “flying blind”.

  • Quigley: Too early to confirm equal NBN pricing

    NBNCo chief executive Mike Quigley has told a Senate Select Committee that it is too early to confirm whether wholesale prices for the National Broadband Network ([[xref:|NBN|Computerworld :: NBN]]) will be the same across the country.
