Stories by Mark Leon

Behind the scenes of online success

Online retailers that think they are in the retail business could be headed for trouble. According to Tom Hennings, president and CEO of OrderFusion, a US-based e-commerce software vendor, business-to-consumer (B2C) selling via the Web has more in common with direct and catalogue sales than with true retailing.

Finagling the Funding

Venture capitalists still have plenty of money to invest in new technology companies, but they're getting a whole lot pickier about what sort of ventures they'll invest in and what they expect in return. Even with the recent stock market gyrations, venture capitalists are on the lookout for new investment opportunities. Some investors, however, are reserving their capital for jackpot ventures that might become the next Cisco Systems Inc. or Inc., promising the highest potential returns in the least amount of time.

Online Retail Success Lies Behind the Scenes

Online retailers that think they are in the retail business could be headed for trouble. Business-to-consumer selling via the Web, according to Tom Hennings, president and CEO of OrderFusion, an e-commerce software vendor in San Diego, has more in common with direct and catalog sales than with true retailing.

Balancing e-busine$$ opportunity and risk

There is no longer a choice about exposing at least part of your business on the Internet. However, protecting your company from the associated business risks is about much more than basic security technology.

Analysis: Balancing e-busine$$ opportunity and risk

There is no longer a choice about exposing at least part of your business on the Internet. However, protecting your company from the associated business risks is about much more than basic security technology.

Balancing E-Business Opportunity and Risk

Today's CTO, perhaps more than any other top executive, needs a keen sense of balance. The emerging role comes with a unique mission to drive new business opportunities through the creative use of technology. This means finding the right balance between the Internet's rewards and business risks.

Managers Temper Mixed NOS Experience with Training

If network managers got stock options every time they heard the words "seamless interoperability," they could all retire. Yet for most, NOS interoperability is not the problem that it might have become, thanks to the widespread adoption of Internet protocols and, to a lesser extent, the ODBC standard. Instead, the pain of running a mixed network is in building and keeping the IT staff to support it.

Vignette retools to boost e-commerce image

Vignette will retire the successful Story Server brand and replace it with the V/5 eBusiness Platform in an effort to break away from image publishing and content management.

If You Build an Exchange, Will Buyers Come?

Business-to-business Web-based trading exchanges need more than a great Web presence to be successful; they need buyers. Hardly a day goes by that another independent trading exchange is not announced for a particular vertical market, and for these new exchanges the business of getting business is no trivial matter.

Reporter's Notebook: Sign of the Times

It is a sign of the times when a button-down corporation such as General Electric Corp. hires the likes of John Perry Barlow to give the closing keynote speech at a premier technology conference, the General Electric Information Systems EC-Forum.
