Stories by Nicholas D. Evans

Next up: The consumerization of business processes

The consumerization of IT is leading organizations to mobile-enable both their internal and customer-facing applications. While you're at it, you shouldn't miss the opportunity to completely rethink and redesign your business processes from the ground up, and even to invent entirely new business models.

Innovation in the enterprise via social computing

In recent years, managing innovation has increased in importance for CEOs. Lately, it has consistently been among their top five priorities (see for example, The Conference Board's CEO Challenge Survey). It has also become more important in the public sector, at both the federal and state levels. Pennsylvania, for example, just last month formed the Governor's Innovation Office to improve efficiency and generate savings for taxpayers.

Unlocking the value in big data

One reason for this is the sheer volume of data being maintained by large enterprises. Last year, McKinsey & Co. concluded that it was not unusual for large U.S. corporations to have more data stored than the U.S. Library of Congress. How much data is that? Well, according to the library, its collection fills more than 800 miles of bookshelves.
