PowerTel opts for Nortel internet infrastructure

PowerTel has selected Nortel Networks to provide remote access infrastructure for its nationwide wholesale network. The contract is estimated to be worth more than $11 million.

In addition to supplying the equipment, Nortel will also provide ongoing support and maintenance services to PowerTel.

The new equipment will provide remote access for internet connectivity and will enable PowerTel to target a new market space, according to Sonia Crosby, PowerTel's investor and media relations manager.

"PowerTel has been focused on the corporate and wholesale market. We will (now) sell to internet service providers to provide dial-up internet access," she said. "The internet offering is the next phase of development."

PowerTel currently supplies voice and data services to corporate and wholesale customers. According to Crosby, PowerTel is already offering the internet service in a pilot program but expects the service to go live in three to six months.

Future internet, e-commerce and VPN offerings can be expected from PowerTel going forward, Crosby said.

In other news from PowerTel, the carrier announced on Wednesday it has transferred its mobile customer base to Vodafone, which has agreed to purchase PowerTel's active customers on May 31.

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