New 'Love Bug' arrests to be expected, NBI says

With investigators' attention in the "Love Bug" virus case focused on students at the AMA Computer College in Manila, the Philippines, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in Manila is still working on 17 diskettes retrieved from a suspect's house in the city.

"We are confident we will find the guilty party," said Carlos S. Caabay, deputy director for special investigative services at the NBI yesterday. He could not confirm that the prime suspects are either Onel de Guzman, Reomel Ramones, or Michael Buen, all of whom have previously been named as suspects in the case.

"As of now, the investigation is still ongoing," said Caabay. "Our experts are examining the 17 diskettes with assistance from agents from the US embassy. We will render a report to our director on Monday."

"To be perfectly clear, this has been very encouraging, and we are confident we will file cases against people on the basis of this report," Caabay said.

Caabay didn't want to name any suspects but he said it was likely that one or two guilty people were students at the AMA Computer College in Manila.

Onel de Guzman and his sister Irene de Guzman own the house where the NBI found the diskettes in a raid conducted on Monday. Following this raid, resident Reomel Ramones, who is also said to be Irene de Guzman's boyfriend, was arrested and later released due to lack of evidence.

So far, the virus is thought to have cost as much as $US10 billion worldwide, mainly due to companies' loss of productivity.

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