E-Mail Scanners

FRAMINGHAM (03/13/2000) - Most offer similar core features, such as the ability to scan for content and attachments. Spending more gets you advanced features, such as context-sensitive scanning that helps avoid false alarms and the ability to scan for viruses.

Aspeon Software Inc.

(888) 384-5600


Exchange Plus

-- Scans for content and attachments.

-- Automatic attachment compression can help save bandwidth.

Starting price: $699 for 25 users.

Content Technologies Inc.

(425) 889 4724



-- Scans for content, viruses and attachments.

-- Helps prevent e-mail spoofing (unauthorized use of corporate mail servers by outsiders).

Starting price: $1,511 for 50 users.

Elron Software Inc.

(800) 767-6683


Elron CommandView Message Inspector

-- Scans for content and attachments.

-- Features context-sensitive scanning.

-- Online policy guide helps organizations write scanning policies.

(www.elronsoftware.com/enterprise/iupguide.pdf)Starting price: $1,195 for 25 users.

Marshal Software

(888) 446-7898 (reseller)



-- Scans for content, viruses and attachments.

-- Helps prevent e-mail spoofing.

-- Can act as stand-alone Post Office Protocol mail server.

Starting Price: $1,950 for a 100-user version.

SRA International Inc.

(703) 803-1500



-- Scans for content, attachments and viruses.

-- Features context-sensitive scanning, which is especially useful for securities and insurance customers.

-- Automatically updates search patterns every 90 days.

Starting price: $125 per seat.

Symantec Corp.

(800) 441-7234



-- Scans for content and attachments.

-- Blocks spam.

-- Helps prevent e-mail spoofing.

Starting price: $834 for 100 user accounts.

Trend Micro Inc.

(800) 228-5651



-- Scans for content, viruses and attachments.

-- Automatically updates virus patterns.

Starting price: $600 for 25 users.

TumbleWeed Communications Corp.

(800) 640-3888


WorldSecure Mail

-- Scans for content, viruses and attachments.

-- Can automatically encrypt messages at the server.

-- Can use industry-specific lexicons for content scanning.

Starting price: $3,995 for 50 users.

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More about Aspeon SoftwareContent TechnologiesElron SoftwareMarshal SoftwareSRA InternationalSymantecTrend Micro AustraliaTumbleweed Communications

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