VMware takes off in the channel

In a boost for the local distribution channel, US-based software vendor VMware has shunned a direct sales model in favour of taking its product through the channel.

Melbourne-based software distributor and reseller MicroWay will channel the VMware Workstation product through its traditional developer customer space, as well as a series of new market segments.

David Looke, MicroWay's managing director, said he is looking forward to marketing the product.

"We expect it to be huge," Looke said. "Because the VMware Workstation allows you to run multiple operating systems, developers can compile different versions of software and test them without rebooting their computer."

According to Looke, VMware approached MicroWay while looking to ramp up sales in the region and as they needed a local presence.

"VMware has done its research. Not only are they aiming the product at systems administrators and developers, they are also shooting for the education market with a specific offering priced for that sector," Looke said.

Under the terms of this agreement, MicroWay will deliver VMware software locally to its resellers and system houses throughout Australia. MicroWay will also provide local service and support.

"VMware is a step ahead of the US vendors that are selling their software via Internet downloads," Looke said. "They realise that end users want someone to advise them on the most appropriate purchases and come in to fix their problems for them.

"Software requires support, and that is our role."

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