Primur gains Momentum

Sydney-based specialised software vendor Momentum has signed a distribution agreement with IBM AS/400 consultants and outsourcing company Primur Systems and Resources. Under the terms of the agreement, Primur will integrate Momentum's reporting and electronic form applications into a range of data management solutions aimed at IBM AS/400-dependant manufacturing businesses throughout Sydney.

According to Frank Tidswell, Momentum general manager of Asia Pacific, the partnership with Primur will provide access to local manufacturing markets not currently covered by Momentum products.

"Primur has a customer base that is screaming out for AS/400 and iSeries solutions," Tidswell said. "Their customers run a variety of solutions on these systems, and trying to extract specific data from some of the larger systems is like trying to pull teeth."

The Momentum product line includes the OPEN/DB-Jacana-Valet for report writing, JacanaForms for electronic form delivery and ValetMiner for report mining.

Tidswell said that while Momentum software is used to facilitate the support, retrieval and presentation of data for IBM AS/400-dependant sites in over 70 countries, the Primur deal will open the local manufacturing sector to the Momentum range.

"Primur are close to a local manufacturing SMEs that will benefit from out offerings," he said.

According to Tidswell, the IBM AS/400 market is healthy, despite forecasts of an imminent demise in the wake of newer systems.

"You try telling someone who has never seen a blue screen of death to turn off their system," Tidswell said. "The systems are just too stable to be replaced, the AS/400 is the most reliable system on the planet."

Story courtesy Australian Reseller News:

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