Maxtor and Quantum seal the deal

After months of deliberations, Maxtor and Quantum shareholders have finally agreed to the merger announced in September last year. The deal will see Quantum HDD shareholders receive 1.25 shares in Maxtor for each Quantum HDD share. Maxtor will also take possession of the infrastructure associated with the Quantum HDD company which has always been focused on the manufacture of hard disks.

According to David Rawcliff, Quantum's vice president of sales Asia-Pacific, the company initially separated into two tracking stocks in order to allow the DSS branch to develop separately to the more volatile hard disk market.

"As Quantum has been running the two divisions separately for some time now there won't be any major ramifications in the Asia-Pacific region," Rawcliff said.

Quantum now consists of three branches, Quantum DLT, Snap appliances and Quantum ATL. While the latter is set to ramp up its Australian presence through a new Sydney-based test centre, Quantum DLT and Snap appliances are to remain in Singapore, addressing the Australian channel through local distributors ACA Pacific, Lan 1 and Digital Tape Solution.

Story courtesy of Australian Reseller News (

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