CEOs talk about outsourcing, customers, mobility, big data and so much more

In a recent series of interviews, IDG Enterprises's chief content officer, John Gallant, spoke with several CEOs about a wide range of current challenges facing top tech executives. Some put the customer first, and some decidedly do not.

Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, the $6 billion Indian outsourcing giant, literally wrote the book on a philosophy known as 'employees first, customer second.' In this installment of our CEO Interview Series, Nayar told us about how that philosophy is fueling HCL's rapid growth and why more CIOs ought to consider adopting it.

William McCracken, chief executive officer of CA Technologies, spoke about how the concept of 'business service innovation' is driving CA's business. He also discussed how CA is working to improve the customer experience, CA's unique position in a crowded management market and the company's strategy for making mobile and cloud easier to handle for IT shops.

If you think SAP equals ERP, Bill McDermott would like a few minutes to set you straight about the 2012 version of the software giant, which he claims is in the midst of "an intellectual renewal." McDermott has been co-CEO -- along with Jim Hagemann Snabe -- of SAP since 2010 and has helped broaden the company's strategy beyond traditional applications and analytics to the cloud, mobile, big data and a bet-the-business focus on real-time computing with the HANA in-memory database at the forefront.

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