Grab PSP movies from Blu-ray discs

Sony announces its Digital Copy movie format for the PSP gaming handheld now available natively from Blu-ray movie discs

Want to watch Blu-ray flicks on your Sony PlayStation Portable? Okay, you can't watch them natively on the handheld--the system tops out at 480x272 lines of resolution, after all. But according to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment America, now you can pull the PSP versions straight from the Blu-ray disc itself.

When is one thing better than two? When two features get folded into one, which is what Sony's done by integrating its Digital Copy movie files with its high-definition video Blu-ray format. Until now, Digital Copy files shipped on a separate DVD-ROM bundled with the Blu-ray movie disc. Now you'll be able to pull the Digital Copy file from the Blu-ray disc straightaway, eliminating the need for multiple media. The feature launches on November 10th with the Blu-ray release of Godzilla. (Though, gotta say, not an auspicious choice of movies there Sony.)

Cue the usual back-patting from Sony execs, with shelf-syntax like "latest enhancement," "demonstrates the versatility," "deliver a multi-platform experience," "unique advantage," "forefront of innovation," "taking innovation one step further," etc.

Why'd it take this long to go single format? That's what I'd like to know.

And more importantly, will anyone care? You can grab movies direct from Sony's PlayStation Network. Sure, who can beat "two for the price of one," but if you're a Blu-ray videophile, do you really care about the handheld version?

Does filmmaker David Lynch have a point?

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