iPhone 3GS chews through PS, Game Boy games

Just what your brand new iPhone 3GS needs--Cloud Strife's super-deformed spike-do bristling at hundreds of frames per second. PlayStation emulation amped up to supersonic? Oh yes you can, writes Engadget, and with Game Boy Advance stuff too. All you need is a pre-jailbreak hack called psx4iphone, which you can request a copy of here, and one of Apple's newly supercharged iPhone 3GS's (check out our review) and you're in business.

Okay, it's just a wee bit more complex than that, and you wouldn't catch me doing it for a million bucks. But. If you already have the 3GS, you're also much tech-savvier than me (I don't have one--yet) so why not?

ZodTTD claims they've got things like gpSPhone (the iPhone GameBoy Advance emulator) running full gallop...well, without sound. And you can't switch games without restarting the emulator, or access save states. But getting between 150 and 225 frames per second with zero frame skipping already? That's some serious horsepower under the new iPhone's hood. The original 3G was only able to hit 60 fps with the same game, apparently.

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