PKBA snaps up Townsville Lane

More acquisitions are planned for the New Year

PK Business Advantage (PKBA) has acquired Townsville-based Lane Technical Services for an undisclosed sum.

PKBA managing director, Peter Kazacos, said the North Queensland region was a booming market and he wanted to strengthen the company's regional capability.

"We were very happy with our first acquisition in North Queensland with CWS earlier this year and thought we needed to grow this further. We found acquisition was the best way," he said. "There is only a certain pool of good technical talent up there and it's not that easy to bring in people from other parts of Australia."

Kazacos said Lane had all-round skills delivering IT services to SMBs. The acquisition will see PKBA add an extra 500 customers to its books.

"The company has a good reputation among customers and helps to accommodate the growth we are seeing in that space," he said. "It was a good deal for us and them."

Lane Technical Services would be brought under the PKBA banner and all staff would be kept on-board, Kazacos said.

PKBA currently had about 150 employees, while Lane had less than 10 employees, he said.

Kazacos hinted more acquisitions were in the pipeline.

"Our overall plans are to build out an IT telecommunications organisation that spans nationally with significant strength in the regions," he said.

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