BlueCentral appoints Barker to sales director post

Hosting provider pushes into Software-as-a-Service across Oceania

Hosting solutions provider, BlueCentral, has recruited Jason Barker to a newly created role as its sales director, taking charge of channel business across Oceania.

BlueCentral managing director, Anthony Banek, said Barker would first focus on pushing its latest Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product - MessageExchange - and also its SharePoint mobility line, which would be offered in white label so partners can re-brand the products as their own. BlueCentral has about 1000 partners on its books.

"Previously, our system didn't allow us to provide white labelling. With the launch of our new products our channels will be able to fully white-label and bill with their own company names. We see a significant amount of growth happening in that area for us," he said.

"Jason will be focused on growing the Oceania region. So he will look at other areas, which we are not in at the moment - like New Zealand, which we plan to expand into through our channel."

Barker has about 10 years experience in the industry. Before joining BlueCentral, he spent 12 months as a sales manager at US-headquartered mobile email technology company, Seven Networks. His resume also includes working as a sales and marketing manager for UK-based Visto Corporation.

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