Eclipse Computing and PayGlobal partner up

More staff means more local access for PayGlobal customers

UXC subsidiary, Eclipse Computing, has partnered with people management solutions developer, PayGlobal, to manage its local client base.

Eclipse director of business development, Martin Wildsmith, said the reseller began working with NZ-based PayGlobal about four years ago, on-selling its payroll offerings.

"They built up their own direct business and what we decided to do was merge those two teams and client bases together," he said.

"PayGlobal is going to focus more on developing the software, and leave someone like ourselves, that is very customer-focused, to deliver and implement it."

Wildsmith estimated that Eclipse had about 50 customers in the local market.

PayGlobal has about 70 customers. All 16 employees would be offered roles within Eclipse, which has about 220 staff.

"We have eight offices around the country so we are much better set up to support big and national customers, whereas PayGlobal weren't keen to open up offices all around the country to look after their customers," Wildsmith said.

"I can have more people across the country. Therefore clients get access to people who are local and know the product well. The other good thing for us is we can also invest more in selling software and a bigger client base, meaning that we can also grow the business faster."

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