BitTorrent makes deals with major studios

Deals struck as the streaming software company moves towards legitimacy

BitTorrent on Wednesday announced deals with several major movie studios and content producers, as the streaming software company moves towards legitimacy instead of being a tool for piracy.

The content providers include News Corp.'s 20th Century Fox; Kadokawa Group Holdings' Kadokawa Pictures USA; Viacom's MTV Networks; Lionsgate Entertainment; and Starz Media.

The companies will offer their content via BitTorrent's Web site, mostly on a fee-basis for ownership or rental. All television programs will be sold only for ownership, BitTorrent said.

BitTorrent's downloading software allows for the transmission of large files at high speeds. Originally employed by many users for unauthorized transfers of large video and audio files, the company now has agreements with a large number of major content producers to make their products available legitimately.

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