Motorola Introduces New Contactless Smart Cards

LONDON (05/02/2000) - Motorola Inc. today announced the launch of a new smart card called M-Smart Venus MV5000, as well as a card acceptance device known as MCAD+ and a new platform for smart card applications called the M-Smart Exchange.

The new multi-application smart card integrates a hardware cryptographic engine with other enhancements, which will drastically lower the transaction times for the user, Motorola said today in a statement. The card will only use half the transaction time, compared with currently available cards, Motorola said.

The card also comes in a second version, the MV5100, which supports the Proton 3 Electronic Purse and Proton Easy Entry banking applications. Proton is one of the world's most widely used smart card technologies, having been chosen for use in 20 countries to date and having completed more than 152 million e-purse transactions, according to Motorola. It also has one of the world's largest installed bases of any smart card technology, with more than 277,000 terminals installed worldwide, Motorola said in the release.

In addition, Motorola today announced the launch of a new contactless card acceptance device called MCAD+. This is a compact controller board designed to serve as the data communication link between customer smart cards and machines that require a contactless smart card interface, such as advanced fare collection terminals and access control terminals, Motorola said.

Motorola also announced a new software platform for smart card applications, the M-Smart system. The system is designed for electronic commerce, and can be used with other existing application servers, such as a PKI (public key infrastructure) certificate authority system, Motorola said.

Pricing for the products was not available.

Motorola, in Schaumburg, Illinois, can be reached at +1-847-576-5000, or via the Web at

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